Friday, April 29, 2011

basic goodness

Sorry for the hiatus, it has just been a hectic week. We completely changed the classroom, moving furniture, combining dramatic play and block center, and adding plants throughout the room. But something that must be mentioned is that the boys and girls raised over $300 for the relief efforts in Japan. Thank you for all of your donations parents! Actually, upon our return from spring break it's very apparent that Japan is still very much on the mind. It's coming up in play, conversations, and they even connected it to Dr. Seuss's The Lorax!

The question now is how do we extend that level of empathy, the empathy the children feel and express for the families in Japan, how do we extend that to all living things?

Last Friday when we visited the Botanical Garden a few children wanted to step on bugs. What would change that action? Is it feeling a connection to a bug? Telling a story about it? Feeling like it's a part of your community? I'm not sure but as we begin to explore the Spring changes in our environment, it's definitely going to be something we reflect on...can we cultivate compassion for every living thing?

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