Thursday, December 15, 2011

habits of mind, oh my

I have been thinking quite a bit about the affective processes that make us all successful, happy, productive people. We need to be intrinsically motivated and curious, we need self-control, and the more resilient and able to persevere we are the better off we will be. I have been reading Mind in the Making by Ellen Galinsky, bit by bit over the last year, and revisited the author's  web site  today.

It's something that I need to think about each day - how am I encouraging positive habits of mind? I feel the rough patches are where we have the ability to influence (perhaps the most) growth. That is, after all, how we all grow. It's when times are tough that we are pushed beyond our perceived capabilities and we develop most. What we choose to say in the moment when arguments emerge, structures fall down, and snowmen heads roll under the table are likely the most powerful words we speak throughout the day. We all need reminders and often I feel that this blog is my way of processing, reflecting, and reminding myself.

In images...

An impromptu puppet show emerged. It was wonderful and the audience was wonderful too.

This puppet theater fell down many times. It took teacher support. It took reminders. It took praise. It took questioning. It took being present. And as I type this much later in the day - it is still strong and standing in the classroom.

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